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Portada / Zero Waste Certifications: How We Help Our Customers Earn Certifications

Zero Waste Certifications: How We Help Our Customers Earn Certifications


    As environmental consultants, at Ziclos Circular Economy we work helping our clients achieve their sustainability goals.

    We are currently actively working on the True Certification process, one of the most important Zero Waste certifications granted by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI).

    The process of obtaining True Certification is rigorous and requires the implementation of a wide range of strategies to reduce waste production and optimize the management of waste generated. As an environmental consultancy, we work closely with our clients to develop waste reduction strategies that fit their needs and comply with regulations.

    This zero waste certification process focuses on identifying areas for improvement in the customer’s waste management and developing customized solutions to reduce the amount of waste produced. Recycling and composting practices are implemented, strategies are proposed to reduce the amount of waste generated and awareness programs are also launched for employees and suppliers.

    In addition, we provide our client with the necessary support and guidance to navigate the zero waste certification process and prepare the necessary documents and evidence to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of True Certification. Through collaboration with True and the use of their assessment and measurement tools, we can ensure that the highest standards for waste management and environmental sustainability are met.

    Zero waste certifications demonstrate commitment to sustainability and differentiation from its competitors in the market.

    If your company is interested in obtaining the Zero Waste Certification and needs expert advice, do not hesitate to contact us. At Ziclos Circular Economy we are ready to help you achieve your sustainability goals.