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Portada / Keys to Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and packaging waste

Keys to Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and packaging waste

    Learn about the keys to Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and packaging waste.

    The Royal Decree has entered into force on December 29, 2022, thoroughly reviews the current regulations, in force for more than 20 years and establishes objectives and specific measures for packers, distribution, holders and administrations.

    Objectives of Royal Decree 1055/202

    • Establish the legal regime applicable to packaging and packaging waste.
    • Prevent and reduce its impact on the environment throughout its life cycle.
    • Contribute to a transition towards the Circular Economy.

    The Measures Royal Decree 1055/2022

    • They prevent the production of packaging waste.
    • Promote the reuse of packaging
    • Promote recycling
    • They promote other forms of recovery of packaging waste and thus the reduction of the final disposal of such waste, including the presence of packaging waste in dispersed waste, in order to contribute to the transition towards a circular economy.


    • It transposes and implements the EU Directive on single-use plastic packaging.
    • It promotes prevention in the production of packaging waste and its reuse, the promotion of bulk food sales and product marking.
    • It achieves the objectives of separate collection of single-use plastic bottles established in the Law on Waste and Contaminated Soils for a Circular Economy and confirms compliance, with a view to the establishment of the deposit, return and return system (SDDR).

    Who is affected

    All manufacturers of commercial and industrial packaging since all packaging placed on the market and packaging waste generated in the territory of the State are within the scope of application of this Royal Decree, regardless of whether they are used or produced in industry, commerce, offices, commercial establishments, services, homes, or anywhere else, whatever materials are used.

    When does it come into force?

    The most relevant changes come into force within 12 – 18 months, but the first obligation for all companies that put packaging on the market is to process their registration in the register of product producers before March 29, 2023.

    Extended producer responsibility

    It also develops the extended producer responsibility regime for all packaging and packaging waste, so that the affected producers assume the full cost of managing this waste. Mechanisms are established to increase transparency in the information on packaging and packaging waste and an adequate monitoring and control of the obligations on placing products on the market and management of their waste by product producers and organizations in the sector.

    To this end, the packaging section is created in the Register of Product Producers, in which all producers must register and to which they must send information annually on the placing on the market of packaging, the management of their waste and the financial management of the systems.