The Management of ZICLOS CIRCULAR ECONOMY, S.L., hereby wishes to inform you that we have a quality and environmental management system implemented and certified according to the UNE EN-ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards and in accordance with this we inform you as our supplier of the following.
In addition to informing you about our purchasing process, we would like to take advantage of the following letter to remind you of some of our requirements:
– Services must be as requested both in quality and quantity.
– Waste managers, prior to the service, must send us a copy of the authorizations as hazardous or non-hazardous waste manager, as the case may be, in force.
– Producers must send us a copy of their current registration as a producer of hazardous or non-hazardous waste, as the case may be.
– The transport used for the performance of the service must comply with the specific legal requirements that affect the waste to be transported.
The Integrated Management System policy is posted at the entrance of the company and on the website.
We therefore expect suppliers to adhere to the principles described in our Quality and Environmental Policy, applying the guidelines described below:
General requirements for suppliers of ZICLOS CIRCULAR ECONOMY, S.L.:
– To know and comply with current national, regional and local legislation applicable to their products and/or services.
– If the supplier has a certified Quality and Environmental Management System, it shall inform Ziclos Circular Economy, S.L. by sending us a copy of its current ISO 9001/ 14001 certificate.
Provide Ziclos Circular Economy, S.L. with any additional information and/or documentation that may be requested about its products and/or services.
– The purchase guarantees established by law for each contracted product/service will be fulfilled.
– The supply commitment will be maintained according to the term established by both parties.
– In the case of subcontracting personnel, the latter must meet the necessary requirements for the performance of their position, with documentary evidence if necessary. (For subcontracted work where the person is required to have a professional license or specific training, this will be provided to the company).
– Any claim, complaint or incident arising from the performance of their activities in the center will be reported immediately to the person in charge of the system or to Management.
– Any other necessary requirements of the Integrated Management System shall be communicated to the supplier prior to the performance of the service for which it has been contracted.
All approved suppliers are monitored as follows:
1) A continued follow-up, so that any incident that occurs when placing the order (e.g. delays, non-compliance, etc.) is recorded in our list of incidents.
2) An annual follow-up, in which a meeting is held with the purchasing manager and an annual evaluation of our suppliers is carried out, taking into account: Incidents that have arisen throughout the year, compliance with the requirements specified in our documents (quality and deadline), treatment, kindness in the relationship; flexibility in the face of changes; compliance with unspecified requirements (our expectations); price.