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Portada / Annual Waste Report

Annual Waste Report

    Memoria anual de residuos

    Law 07/2022 establishes that initial producers and registered natural or legal persons who generate more than 10 tons of non-hazardous waste per year must have an electronic file.

    This file must contain:

    · Detailed information on the quantity, nature and origin of the waste generated.

    · Intended destinations of the resulting waste.

    · Collection frequencies.

    Before March 1, those who carry out waste collection and treatment operations, as well as producers of hazardous waste must send a summary report of the information contained in the file to the corresponding autonomous community.

    The figures in charge of carrying out these procedures are:

    · Producers and managers of hazardous waste

    · Transporters, dealers and agents of hazardous waste

    Although the preparation of the reports can be difficult due to the complexity of the waste data, the lack of a state model and the presence of data in different plants or repositories, the representative figures must present the report to the community where they have presented the communication.

    The annual report must be sent to the corresponding autonomous community or local entity in case of waste of local competence, it should be noted the importance of complying with the stipulated deadlines to avoid sanctions and fines.

    Currently, the Annual Report is a fundamental requirement for the waste sector.

    However, there are several factors that can hinder its preparation, to overcome them and comply with the regulations it is important to have tools and strategies that allow collecting, processing and presenting information clearly and accurately, adapted to the requirements of each autonomous community and each project or company.

    In Ziclos Circular Economy we have tools that allow us to store information on the quantity, nature, origin and destination of waste in order to facilitate this bureaucratic procedure.

    Do you need help with the Annual Report?